PSB-S7 Thermistor
A micro-sized thermistor with a very fast response
  • product description
  • Chip with gold electrodes
  • High-level heat resistance and environmental stability secured by glass encapsulation
  • Long-term stability in resistance
  • Twelve times faster response than the PSB-S1
  • High-volume supply in high quality by integrated automatic production
  • Patented in 8 major countries (Japan, the U.S., Canada, France, the U.K., Germany, Italy and Switzerland)
  • Product Details

Suitable for equipment requiring a quick response and for measurements in a narrow space

  • Copying machines
  • Medical equipment
  • Needle sensors
Operating temperature -50 to +250℃
Thermal time constant Approx. 1 sec.
Dissipation constant Approx. 0.25mW/℃
Insulation resistance Min. 10MΩ at 50VDC

 Note) Unless otherwise stated, all thermal time constants and dissipation constants are measured in still air.

V-I characteristics